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spotDL Application for Easier use

spotDL | Spotify Downloader Application

spotDL Application for Easier use

This is application for spotDL for easier use. For now only for Windows.


How to Install

  1. Open Windows Command Prompt and type pip install spotdl
  2. Open this link in your browser and download
  3. Extract .7z file
  4. Rename folder to “ffmpeg”
  5. Press “Windows Key + S” and search “edit environment variables”
  6. Go to “Advanced” tab
  7. Click “Environment Variables…”
  8. Select “Path” and click “Edit”
  9. Click “New”
  10. In the blank field paste “location to “bin” folder in “ffmpeg” directory
  11. Click “Ok”
  12. Click “Ok” again to save changes
  13. spotDL is now ready to use!

How to Use

  1. Get URL from Spotify Track / Playlist / Artist
  2. Paste it here image and press Enter
  3. Wait until process done
  4. Done!
